April 26, 2017

EastGRIP camp 2017 is now open!

Just after arrival at EGRIP. A front is moving in.

The first team of 12 field participants arrived at EastGRIP at 12.40 local time. Temperature was -18°C and the wind was 17 knots, so it felt quite chilly. There were a few issues for the plane to depart, but it departed using rockets at 14.50 LT. In the meantime, camp crew had gained access to the main dome and two garages. Right at this time, clouds came rolling in and the wind picked up. If the flight had been just one hour delayed in arrival, we most likely would not have made it today.
At 15.30 we had electrical power provided by our 35 kW backup generator. We used snowblowers to gain access to the underground trenches at 17.15. There has been some deformation in the trenches. They are roughly 30 cm lower, and this was expected. Otherwise everything was found in good condition. After an evening meal, work continued into the evening. I am sure, everybody had a nice sleep although temperature inside still was below freezing. Camp population is now 12: Sverrir, Grant, Trevor, Dennis, Kenji, Hans Cristian, Sepp, Christian, Bruno, Jesper and J.P.

What we did today:

  1. 12 people arrived at EGRIP at 12.40 with Skier 31 (tail 02)
  2. Outhouse ready.
  3. Opened main dome. All in perfect condition.
  4. Opened Carpenters garage and mechanics garage.
  5. Opened trenches, all in good condition.
  6. We have one snowblower, 3 snowmobiles and one Pistenbully running.
  7. Started backup generator at 15.30. Back-up generator is now powering camp.
  8. Tomato sled pulled into camp.
  9. Mounted new distribution box for backup generator a cable well.
  10. Lumber sled pulled into camp.
  11. Parked main generator into position.
  12. Activated old cooks snowmelter for drinking water.

Ad.11: The main generator will not be started. A scheduled overhaul by Jesper and Sverrir is taking place the next few days. Hopefully, when the next plane arrives on April 30th , the main generator will be as new.

Wednesday weather: At Noon blue skies, later overcast. Temp. -17°C to -20°C. Wind: 17 kt to 25 kt from SSW. Visibility: to horizon. Slight drifting snow.

FL, J.P. Steffensen

Departing crew in Kangerlussuaq, from left to right: Sepp, Christian, Sverrir, Trevor, Kenji, Dennis, J.P., Jesper, Hans Christian, Grant and Bruno.