July 27, 2023

Ice crystal Showers

Sune in one of our trench entrances enjoining the ice crystals on the ceiling (without getting a shower).

Taking down the Logging Cabin and removing cables normally involves a shower of ice crystals. All items and the ceilings are covered with the most beautiful ice crystals. While worth admiring they also shower down on you when you touch them. For some reason they always make it down your back…

What we did today:

  1. Built a third pallet and a fourth…
  2. Continued to take down the Logging Cabin in the trenches.
  3. Finalized logging borehole with new boreholelogger.
  4. Interviews with Canadian media.
  5. Counted foam boxes and lids in camp.
  6. Packed bolts and screws in carpenters’ garage.

Weather today: Overcast during the day with sunny periods. Wind between 4 kt and 10 kt from turning from W to NW and temperatures between -18°C and -4°C.

FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen