August 3, 2023

Recovering after strong winds

The drifted in ramp with tracks of from the snowblower attempting to clean the ramp.

The ramp down to the science and drill trenches Is filled with soft snow. Yesterday Sepp attempted to remove the drifted snow with the snowblower. The snowblower could not keep it’s balance in the soft snow. This morning we all used an hours stamping the snow down and shoveling the snow around to level the floor. After this Sepp could use the snow blower to get the snow away and fully open the ramp again.
The good weather with a strong contrast on the surface was also used to start reforming the winterhills where the sledges are placed over the winter to avoid drifts forming around the sledges.

What we did today:

  1. Opened the ramp to the drill and science trenches.
  2. Documented boxes and pallets.
  3. Started building the winterhills.
  4. Continued to organize the timber sledge.
  5. Started to document in the kitchen.

Weather: Sunshine with patches of ground fog. Wind 8 kt dropping to 1 kt from WSW. Temperatures between -18°C and -9°C.

FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen