August 14, 2023

EGRIP 2023 is closed

Departing crew (minus Sepp who took the picture) Sverrir, Dorthe, Josephine, Jonathan and Jeppe

The final pull-out from EGRIP happened today. The weather was marginal; but everything went fine. There was even time to show some visitors around in the few open places in camp before the doors were sealed off for winter. Due to fresh snow fall and some snow drifts, the plane could not take off with the entire planned load, but after adjustments the plane took off after three attemps by using the open snow as skiway extension. The final crew arrived in Kangerlussuaq at 1600 in the afternoon - in good time for supper. EGRIP is now closed for the winter. All people are out, and we have reported the termination of EGRIP field activities to Greenland authorities.
This entry concludes the field diary for 2023. See you again in 2024.

What we did today:

  1. Received Skier 11.
  2. Loaded three pallets onto plane.
  3. Showed visitors the dome and the drill trench.
  4. Parked the Caterpillar and snowmobile.
  5. Switched off power and closed garages.
  6. Took down internet and weather station.
  7. Boarded up door to main dome.

Weather: Overcast with snowfall. Wind 14 kt from NW. Temperature -14°C.

FOM, J.P. Steffensen and FL, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

The final EGRIP crew at arrival to Kangerlussuaq.